QMed is designed to be an add on revenue source to a general medical practice. Every day, Providers are diagnosing patients with weight related chronic diseases. The tools a medical provider has are limited primarily to a pill to control symptoms. The root cause of the diseases, obesity, goes untreated.
Weight loss centers are emerging in popularity because of the never-ending supply of patients that require weight management and the abundant new income source that is created for a medical practice.
With obesity on the verge of surpassing smoking as the #1 cause of preventable death, Primary care physicians owe it to themselves and their patients to provide the most current information and weight treatment options available.
The QMed Weight Loss and Wellness Program is a medical practice which focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of the increasingly common and dangerous problem of obesity, and its attendant health problems.
The problems of weight control which men and women experience are unique due to a variety of gender specific factors, including hormonal, metabolic, physiologic as well as societal.
Patients initially undergo a thorough assessment of their medical, family and social history as well as a detailed physical examination and appropriate laboratory testing.
The QMed Weight Loss program will address numerous causes and contributors to obesity:
- Social (Ideas and techniques to overcome food patterns)
- Behavioral (Why we eat more than we need?)
- Cultural (how diet and cravings are established and learned)
- Physiologic (hormones, thyroid, general health)
- Metabolic (muscle mass, age, general metabolic syndrome)
- Genetic (your particular body type – your genetic history)
- Lifestyle (help you get up and get active)
Choice of Options and Develop Plan for Weight Loss Success
- Rapid induction options – Pharmacology – Optifast
- Slower induction options – diet counseling – exercise program
- Food journals (online options, diaries or phone apps).
- Supplements recommended – tailored to particular patient?
- Cold Laser fat reduction machine. Discuss and enroll if necessary.
Ongoing Support
- Weekly weigh ins and Doctor visit on Rapid Induction Programs
- Weekly weigh ins and MA visit on Slower Induction Options – Doctor available if needed.
- Support and education groups. Bi-Weekly or Monthly meetings in the conference room to educate and provide group support and discussion. Meetings are open to the public (way to market our Docs and program) and will feature guest speakers when available.Topics may include
- Food choices (carbs, fats, quantities)
- Emotional eating
- Family history, genetics, body types
- Yo Yo dieting and future success
- Metabolic Syndrome and how to reverse it
- Hormones, aging and weight loss
- Sexual impacts of extra weight
- Cardiologist talks regarding weight and heart health (Dr. Max)
- Sports Medicine talk regarding elite athletes (Dr. Gerhauser)
- Female or Male sexual health and weight control (Sandy)
- Age Management and science (Dr. Mahalyi)
- Weight control and environmental factors (Dr. Aven)
- Aesthetics – Zorona, laser (ANA)
- Medical research and advancements in weight control(Dr. Jack)
- Loose a battle but win the war – fall off, get back on.
- Exercise – cardio vs weight
- Diet Types – zone, Atkins, etc.
- Advancements in weight loss – drug trials
- Anorexia, bulimia
- Online communities and support networks – www.SparkPeople.com….others
- Personal training services available – in on one setting or in a ‘boot camp’ format.
- Periodic blood level checks to ensure all systems are in order.